Play video games as well as sports - Wii Sports

Wii Sports offers different sports experiences, each using the Wii Remote to provide a natural, intuitive and realistic. Players can use their own Mii caricatures in the game and play them against their friends’ MIIS for a more personalized experience. As players improve, they MIIS ‘skill levels will increase, so that they can see clearly how much they’ve become better.

  • In Tennis, you’ll reach your controller like a racket and swing – the game will register forehands, backhands, shots, lobs, slices, spin and power depending on how fast you swing and at what angle.
  • Baseball will have you gripping the controller like a bat and swat fastballs out of the park in a home run derby.
  • In Golf you’ll step to the tee, hold the controller like a golf club and swing naturally hit the ball into the green.
  • In Bowling, players raise the Wii Remote in their hand like a bowling ball, and then swing their arms to roll the ball.
  • When Boxing, using the Nunchuk controller as one glove and the Wii Remote to the other, players dodge, weave and punch their opponents.
Unlike the Xbox360 and Playstation 3, Wii is more focused on the enjoyment of playing. Wii has a compatibility with some old Nintendo and Sega consoles, including NES, SNES, Genesis and GameCube.