Online poker - What Traits Do You Need To Become a Great Player?

by sacha tarkovsky

The rules of poker are relatively simple to learn, as are the
playing strategies such as bluffing, slow play etc. Yet the
number of poker players who win consistently and win the big
pots are relatively small.

So what separates this small minority of winning players?

Read on and find out!


The first trait you need in online poker is the right mental

When playing online poker you need to approach it with the
attitude that you will do what it takes to succeed.

This may sound obvious, but many novice players simply don't
realize that playing success is all down to attitude:

Putting in hard work, learning all the time and getting lots of

When playing online poker you need to have "an edge" which
separates you from other players and gives you an ability to
increase your bankroll over time.

If you don't know what your "edge" is you don't have one!

Practice makes perfect

All great online poker players have paid their dues.

By this we mean, they have not only learned the basics, but they
have practiced and applied them in the brutal world of playing
for money.

Free games are of little use, as your not playing for money so
you need to play for money and know what its like to play with
the pressure of winning or losing it.

Mistakes in free games don't cost so you play differently.

Don't be fooled when money is on the line emotions kick in and
this makes it a whole different playing experience.

Poker is a game unlike any other casino game where you compete
not with the casino, but with other players.

This is what makes it such a unique and challenging experience.

Players are unpredictable and you need lots of practice against
different types of players to formulate your own strategy and
win over the longer term.

A game of patience

Poker is essentially a game of patience, you need the discipline
to play only hands where you stand a good chance of winning.

This means having the discipline to fold the majority of your
hands and not get frustrated, even when you're in a long run of
bad hands.

All great poker players know that if they want to increase their
bankroll longer term, they need to fold and take losses for long
periods of time.

Adapting your game You have the ability to adapt and change your
strategy to combat who you are playing.

No two poker players are alike and different players require you
to use different strategies to beat them.

Courage and confidence

When money is on the line your emotions kick in especially when
you're playing for BIG money and big pots.

It is important to have confidence in your ability, you will
then be able to have the courage to really go for the big pots
when you feel the odds are in your favor and bet accordingly.

Courage and confidence, are traits all successful online poker
players have and are traits you will need to.

Poker a game you can Win BIG at

You can become a great poker player but it takes time and lots
of practice.

You need to have the ability to think quickly and make decisions
in highly pressurized situations and this takes time.

You won't become a great poker player overnight, life is simply
not like that.

If there is big money on the line in any situation then
competition is going to stiff so you need an "edge" to win and
this is especially true of online poker

Study hard, play smart, get lots of practice and one day you
could be raking in the big pots you desire.

Good luck!

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